American Journal of Applied Sciences
Mining Fuzzy Weighted Browsing Patterns from Time Duration and with Linguistic Thresholds | Science Publications
Ming J. Chiang1  Tzung P. Hong1  Shyue L. Wang1 
关键词: Browsing pattern;    fuzzy set;    linguistic term;    time duration;    web mining;    weight;   
DOI  :  10.3844/ajassp.2008.1611.1621
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

World-wide-web applications have grown very rapidly and have made a significant impact on computer systems. Among them, web browsing for useful information may be most commonly seen. Due to its tremendous amounts of use, efficient and effective web retrieval has become a very important research topic in this field. Techniques of web mining have thus been requested and developed to achieve this purpose. In this research, a new fuzzy weighted web-mining algorithm is proposed, which can process web-server logs to discover useful users

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