Ciência Rural
Net energy for 60- to 120-kg pigs fed low-crude protein diets
Silva, Francisco Carlos de Oliveira2  Abreu, Márvio Lobão Teixeira de4  Haese, Douglas5  Donzele, Juarez Lopes1  Oliveira, Rita Flávia Miranda de1  Saraiva, Alysson1  Santos, Fabrício de Almeida3 
[1]Universidade Federa de Viçosa, Viçosa, Brasil
[2]Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais, Viçosa, Brasil
[3]Agroceres, Rio Claro, Brasil
[4]Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Brasil
[5]Universidade Vila Velha, Vila Velha, Brasil
关键词: carcass;    finishing phase;    nutrition;    requirement;   
DOI  :  10.1590/0103-8478cr20131136
来源: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria * Centro de Ciencias Rurais
【 摘 要 】
Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of dietary net energy content (NE) on performance and carcass traits of finishing barrows fed low-crude protein (CP) diets. Pigs (60.0±1.05kg, Exp. 1, 93.0±1.56kg, Exp. 2) were allotted in a randomized block design to 3 dietary treatments. Exp. 1 had 6 pens treatment-1 and Exp. 2 had 8 pens treatment-1 and all pens had 2 pigs. The treatments were: 199g kg-1 CP and 2566kcal kg-1 NE, 155g kg-1 CP and 2631kcal kg-1 NE, 155gk g-1 CP and 2566kcal kg-1 NE in Exp. 1, and 180g kg-1 CP and 2588kcal kg-1 NE, 145g kg-1 CP and 2638kcal kg-1 NE, 145g kg-1 CP and 2588kcal kg-1 NE, in Exp. 2. In Ep.1, except for average daily gain (ADG) there was no effect of dietary CP or NE on any other parameter evaluated. The diet with 155g kg-1 CP and 2566kcal kg-1 NE resulted in greatest ADG. In Exp. 2, the greatest results of ADFI and ADG were obtained with 145g kg-1 CP and 2588kcal kg-1 of NE. Pigs fed the diet with 180g kg-1 CP and 2588kcal kg-1 NE had less carcass meat. There was no effect of dietary CP or NE on backfat. The CP diet containing 2566kcal kg-1 NE resulted in greatest ADG of 60- to 95-kg barrows. For 95- to 120-kg barrows the diet with 145gk g-1 CP and 2588kcal kg-1 of NE resulted in greatest ADG and carcass meat.
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