Journal of Computer Science
Hybrid Auditory Based Interaction Framework for Driver Assistance System | Science Publications
Dalbir Singh1 
关键词: Earcon;    hybrid;    auditory icon;    Driver Assistance System (DAS);    synthetic speech;    hierarchical architecture;    earcon recognition;    synchronous;    psychoacoustics basis;   
DOI  :  10.3844/jcssp.2010.1499.1504
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

Problem statement: The rapid development of Driver Assistance System (DAS) providesdrivers with radically enhanced information and functionality. The nature of the current DAS requiresa complex human-machine interaction which is distracting and may increase the risk of road accidents.The interaction between the driver and DAS should aid the driving process without interfering withsafety and ease of vehicle operation. Speech based interaction mechanisms employed are notsufficiently robust to deal with the distraction and noise present in the interior environment of thevehicle. Approach: Thus, suitable hybrid earcon/auditory icon design principles for DAS aredeveloped. These interfaces are investigated in driving simulators in-order to test their durability androbustness. Several evaluation parameters will be applied. This will ensure the driving-relatedinformation from the DAS was delivered to the driver without affecting the overall driving process.Results: This study produces auditory design principles for information mapping (visual into nonspeechbased interaction) and presentation framework was produced. It outlines representationarchitecture that enables concurrent auditory driving related information to be transmitted from fourdifferent sources in the vehicle

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