Public Health Nutrition
Evaluation of the Missouri WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) breast-feeding peer counselling programme
Kathy Mertzlufft1  Bao-Ping Zhu1  Catherine Kruse1  Maggie White1  Qian Liu1  Shumei Yun1  Phyllis Fuller1 
关键词: Breast-feeding initiation;    Peer counselling;    Programme evaluation;    WIC;   
DOI  :  10.1017/S1368980009990668
来源: Cambridge University Press
【 摘 要 】
ObjectiveTo evaluate the effectiveness of the peer counselling (PC) programme on breast-feeding initiation among participants in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) in Missouri, and to identify factors that facilitate breast-feeding initiation.DesignWe used the data from the 2006 Missouri Pregnancy Nutrition Surveillance System, Missouri Live Birth Records and the Missouri WIC programme to compare breast-feeding initiation rates between PC and non-PC agencies. We used multilevel logistic regression, with individual participants being nested within agencies, to control for individual- and agency-level characteristics.ResultsThe breast-feeding initiation rate in PC agencies was significantly higher than in non-PC agencies among prenatal participants, but the difference was not significant among postpartum participants. After controlling for maternal sociodemographic characteristics, compared with prenatal cases in non-PC agencies, prenatal cases in PC agencies were more likely to initiate breast-feeding (OR = 1·21; 95 % CI 1·03, 1·43), whereas postpartum cases were less likely to initiate breast-feeding. Among prenatal participants in PC agencies, longer duration of prenatal WIC enrolment was associated with a higher rate of breast-feeding initiation. After adjusting for maternal sociodemographic characteristics and other agency-level characteristics, participants of PC agencies with an international board-certified lactation consultant were more likely to initiate breast-feeding than participants of PC agencies without such a consultant (OR = 1·21; 95 % CI 1·01, 1·45).ConclusionsPrenatal participation in the WIC breast-feeding PC programme (especially participation early during pregnancy) was associated with an increased rate of breast-feeding initiation in Missouri.
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