An attempt to estimate firing temperature using OSL pre-dose sensitization of quartz
Mohan P. Chougaonkar1  Dileep K. Koul1 
[1] Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
关键词: TL;    OSL;    firing;    quartz;    sensitization;   
DOI  :  10.2478/s13386-011-0034-5
来源: Politechnika Slaska * Instytut Fizyki
【 摘 要 】

The estimation of firing temperature of ceramics using methods based on pre-dose sensitization of the 110°C TL peak of quartz have yielded incoherent results. Recently the fast component of the CW-OSL of quartz has been observed to have pre-dose characteristics similar to that of the 110°C TL peak. The motivation for this study has been to look into the feasibility of this signal, the OSL counter part of pre-dosed TL emission, for the firing temperature identification. The variation in the sensitization ratio of the TL and OSL emissions with different heating temperatures was also utilized to unveil the firing temperature mark of the specimen.

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