The condor
Dabbling Ducks Increase Nest Defense After Partial Clutch Loss
Kevin M. Ringelman1 
关键词: incubation;    Gadwall;    Mallard;    nest attendance;    parental investment;    predation;    waterfowl.;   
DOI  :  10.1525/cond.2013.120096
来源: Central Ornithology Publication Office
【 摘 要 】
Abstract. Predation is the primary source of mortality of dabbling duck nests, so a key aspect of parental investment is defending the nest from predators. The hen's presence on the nest is widely considered to be a good measure of nest defense; an incubating female camouflages the nest and may physically deter nest predators. Parental-investment theory suggests that investment should increase with the reproductive benefits expected from the current clutch of eggs. We used nest-temperature loggers to study how the rhythms of waterfowl incubation changed after the nest was partially destroyed by a predator. Contrary to the expected-benefits hypothesis, we found that hens significantly increased their investment after partial clutch loss: they took fewer recesses from incubation per day and extended their incubation by more than 200 min after a partial depredation. We suggest that when predators pose little risk to the incubating adult, those hens unable or unwilling to abandon a nest after partial clutch l...
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