Effect of Angle of Turning and Shaking Agitation During Incubation on Embryo Development and Hatchability
sub-embryonic fluid;shaking agitation;turning;incubation
Cutchin Evans, Heather Renee ; John Barnes, Committee Member,Vern Christensen, Committee Member,Kenneth Anderson, Committee Member,Michael Wineland, Committee Chair,Cutchin Evans, Heather Renee ; John Barnes ; Committee Member ; Vern Christensen ; Committee Member ; Kenneth Anderson ; Committee Member ; Michael Wineland ; Committee Chair
University:North Carolina State University
关键词: sub-embryonic fluid;    shaking agitation;    turning;    incubation;   
Others  :  https://repository.lib.ncsu.edu/bitstream/handle/1840.16/133/etd.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
来源: null
【 摘 要 】
CUTCHIN EVANS, HEATHER RENEE.Effect of Angle of Turning and Shaking Agitation During Incubation on Embryo Development and Hatchability.(Under the direction of Michael J. Wineland.)Successful incubation is the result of many factors, including turning the eggs to a 45°angle once an hour through day 18 or 19 of incubation. Not turning eggs at all duringincubation leads to high percentages of embryonic mortality throughout incubation as well asseveral distinct extra-embryonic abnormalities, such as a decrease in sub-embryonic fluidformation, an increase in the amount of residual albumen after d18, and others which can beharmful to chick weight at hatch. However, turning eggs creates hot spots in the machine,therefore developing a way to increase air flow by turning egg less or not turning at all butstill providing change in orientation of the egg would increase the hatchability as well asprovide a more even chick quality across the machine.Three trials were performed to examine the effects of turning at reduced angles of15°, 30°, 35° and 40° once an hour as well as increased frequency of turning at a reducedangle of 15° three times an hour. Eggs were obtained from prime age broiler breeder flocksand stored for 1-3 days prior to incubation to imitate industry ideal conditions. Subembryonicfluid was sampled at d6 of incubation and embryos were sampled at d18. Athatch, embryonic day of death was noted as well as any abnormalities such as residualalbumen, malpositions or excessive urates. Overall it was determined that turning at 15° wasnot suitable for hatchability and results were noted similar to those reported by other authorsthat did not turn eggs during incubation. Turning 30° is not as harmful as turning 15°, butnot as adequate as turning 45°. Increasing the frequency of turning 15° to three times anhour alleviated some of the detrimental effects of turning 15° once an hour, but was still notas successful as 45°. Turning 35° and 40° did not affect hatchability and embryonicmortality significantly.Shaking, or agitation, of the egg was attempted in a series of trials where the speed,frequency, and duration of shaking were manipulated to determine a combination that wouldbe suitable for incubation in the industry. Eggs from prime age broiler breeder flocks wereused for the four trials. Two similar machines were utilized; one that turns eggsconventionally (turns) and a modified incubator that moves eggs through a 4.5cm distance(shakes). Eggs were shaken intermittently either the entire incubation period or during partsand then turned. A control group of turned eggs were included in each trial for comparison.Overall, it was determined that shaking agitation did not produce suitable for hatch of fertilefor industry use. Turning eggs at least d1-3 of incubation provides a better hatch of fertilethan shaking eggs throughout incubation. Shaking eggs leads to higher percentages of earlyand late mortality, residual albumen and malpositions. Interestingly, the chicks that do hatch from shaken eggs are similar in quality to those from turned eggs, as indicated by their yolkfree body mass.In conclusion, reduced turning angles of 35° and 40° do not seem harmful toembryonic development, though 30°, 15° once an hour and 15° three times an hour do.Shaking agitation has been determined to not be advantageous for hatch of fertile, howeverfurther research is warranted on combinations of speed, frequency, and duration of shakingthat may prove more favorable.
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