Zhongxiyi Jiehe Huli (Zhong-Yingwen Ban)
关键词: 依维莫司;    肾细胞癌;    乳腺癌;    不良反应;    护理;   
DOI  :  10.11997/nitcwm.201503005O
来源: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press
【 摘 要 】
Abstract:ABSTRACT: Objective To investigate adverse reactions in advanced renal or breast cancer patients treated by everolimus and its nursing measures. Methods The clinical data of 18 advanced renal cancer and 20 advanced breast cancer patients were retrospectively analyzed, nursing measures were put forward to prevent complications. Results The main adverse reactions was oral mucositis in 18 patients (47.4%) , followed by gastrointestinal disorders in 15 patients (39.5%), fatigue in 14 patients (36.8%), infections in 13 patients (34.2%), and non-infectious pneumonia in 12 patients (31.6%) and rash in 11 patients (29.0%). Laboratory test revealed that there were 25 cases(65.8%) with anemia, 22 cases(57.8%) with high triglycerides, 19 cases(50%) with high cholesterol, 15 cases(39.5%) with reduced lymphocytes and 10 cases(26.3%) with leukopenia. The adverse reactions were controlled by implementation of nursing intervention including diet management, regulating daily life and appropriate drug treatment. Conclusion There are many adverse reactions in advanced renal or breast cancer patients treated by everolimus. Monitoring and nursing can relieve the adverse reactions and improve quality of life for advanced renal or breast cancer patients.
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