The Young Researcher
"Does CBD induce apoptosis in diffuse large B cell lymphoma?”
Xu, S.1 
关键词: CBD;    DLBCL;    apoptosis;    cell viability;    cancer treatment;   
DOI  :  
来源: Royal St. George's College
【 摘 要 】

This study assessed the ability of cannabidiol (CBD), a compound derived from cannabis, to induce apoptosis in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). This experiment consisted of cell viability assays and apoptosis assays, both of which measure important qualities needed in cancer treatment. CBD demonstrated a strong capability in inhibiting cell viability, at concentrations near 50-100 uM, thereby emphasizing its potential in minimizing relapse. CBD actively induced apoptosis at concentrations above 25 uM, with apoptosis frequencies reaching nearly 100%. These results reinforce the idea that CBD induces apoptosis throughout many different types of cancers, including DLBCL. Thus, this study demonstrates that CBD has a great potential in cancer treatment by eradicating cancer cells in DLBCL.

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