Zhongxiyi Jiehe Huli (Zhong-Yingwen Ban)
关键词: 3D打印;    肥胖;    颈椎;    颈前路手术;    颈椎病;   
DOI  :  10.11997/nitcwm.201806025
来源: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press
【 摘 要 】
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the 3D printing neck brace in obese patients undergoing anterior cervical surgery. Methods 〓Totally 60 obese patients undergoing anterior cervical surgery were assigned to the observation group(n=30)and the control group(n=30). Patients in the control group wore normal neck brace after surgery, and those in the observation group wore 3D printing neck brace. The compliance and comfort level of wearing neck brace, rate of cervical vertebra fusion and satisfactory degree of patients were observed and compared between two groups. Results 〓The compliance of wearing neck brace was better in the observation group than that of controls at 3 and 7 days after surgery(P<0.05). Patients in the observation group achieved higher scores of comfort scale compared with those in the control group at 1,3,7 days and 1 month after surgery(P<0.01). There was no significant difference in fusion rate of cervical vertebra between two groups at 3 months after surgery(90.00% vs. 86.67%, P>0.05). The satisfactory degree of patients was higher in the observation group than that of controls(100.00% vs. 76.67%, P<0.05). Conclusion 〓The 3D printing neck brace is more effective to improve the compliance and comfort level of wearing in obese patients undergoing anterior cervical surgery.
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