Zhongxiyi Jiehe Huli (Zhong-Yingwen Ban)
关键词: 穴位按摩;    胸腰椎骨折;    腹胀;    中西医结合护理;   
DOI  :  10.11997/nitcwm.201705027
来源: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press
【 摘 要 】
Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of traditional Chinese medical nursing in prevention of abdominal distension after thoracolumbar fractures. Methods 〓A total of 56 patients with thoracolumbar fractures were selected as the control group between January, 2012 and December, 2013, with routine nursing care. Another 56 patients with thoracolumbar fractures were include as the observation group between January, 2014 and December, 2015, with routine care combined with traditional Chinese medical nursing intervention. The incidence of abdominal distension, frequency of bowel sounds and time to first defecation were compared between two groups. Results 〓The incidence of abdominal distension was 17.85%(10/56)in the observation group and was 37.50%(21/56)in the control group, with a significant difference(P<0.05). there was a significant difference in frequency of bowel sounds and time to first defecation between two groups(P<0.05 or P<0.01). Conclusion 〓The traditional Chinese medical nursing is potentially effective in prevention of abdominal distension after thoracolumbar fracture.
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