Biochemistry and Biophysics
Comparative study of Physicochemical and Functional Characteristics in Juices from New Mexican Pomegranate Cultivars (PunicagranatumL.) and Wonderful Variety
Maria G. Herrera-Hernández1 
关键词: Antioxidant Activity;    Juice Quality;    Phenolic Composition;    Pomegranate;    Punicallagins;   
DOI  :  
来源: Science and Engineering Publishing Company
【 摘 要 】
Abstract: A study of new pomegranate cultivars was carried out to investigate their potential for industrial use and fresh consumption. Wonderful pomegranate is used worldwide for fresh consumption and industrial purposes. Colour parameters, juice yield, Brix, titratable acidity, organic acids and sugars, vitamin C, and simple phenolics including ellagic acid and punicalagins, total anthocyanins, total soluble phenols, condensable tannins and two antioxidant capacity were measured. Juice colour of new cultivars was similar to that of Wonderful pomegranate. Two new pomegranate cultivars showed higher juice yield (~730 mL/kg arils) compared to Wonderful pomegranate (703.7 mL/kg arils). Citric and malic acids are nearly similar in all pomegranate juices studied. In contrast, cultivars 37-5 and 36-11 showed up to 56% and 10-fold higher vitamin C when compared to Wonderful fresh and processed juice, respectively. Wonderful juices showed higher anthocyanin content compared to juices produced from new cultivars. Of eight simple phenolics identified, ellagic acid showed the higher contents in pomegranate juices. Juice of sample 37-5 showed an outstanding punicalagins content (40.87 mg/L),44% higher than Wonderful pomegranate juice. The TEAC antioxidant activity of three new cultivars juices was higher compared to that of Wonderful juices. This useful information can be employed by the juice processing industry; and it can help select those cultivars for de production of pomegranate juice that is attractive and rich in bioactive compounds.
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