Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics
Can Foot Exercises and Going Barefoot Improve Function, Muscle Size, Foot Pressure During Walking and Qualitative Reports of Function in People with Flat Foot?:
Marcey KeeferHutchison1 
关键词: Flat foot;    exercise;    barefoot;    function;   
DOI  :  10.1177/2473011418S00257
来源: Sage Journals
【 摘 要 】

Category:Midfoot/ForefootIntroduction/Purpose:Specific exercises to train foot muscles for barefoot running (i.e. doming seated[DS] and standing[DSt]) and post foot and ankle injury (i.e. seated plantar flexion and inversion[SPFI]) are common. Exercise programs specifically for the foot claim improvement in foot posture (foot posture index [FPI]) and foot strength. However, rigorous assessment of foot function as a result of exercise is lacking (i.e. foot posture, strength, and plantar pressure). Further, no studies specifically address patients with flat foot. The purpose of this case series study was to assess the immediate effects of an 8-week foot exercise and barefoot weight bearing program on clinical and biomechanical measures of foot function.Methods:Thirty three participants, 23 with a severe flatfoot (SFF), measured by FPI (> 6/12, average = 9.4±1.5, age=28.9 ±11.0) and 10 age/gender matched controls (AMC) with a normal foot (FPI average=4.6±1.5, age = 29.8±7.8) participated. The SFF group compl...

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