Dummy-surface molecularly imprinted polymers on magnetic graphene oxide for rapid and selective quantification of acrylamide in heat-processed (including fried) foods
Ning, Fangjian ; Qiu, Tingting ; Wang, Qi ; Peng, Hailong ; Li, Yanbin ; Wu, Xiaqing ; Zhang, Zhong ; Chen, Linxin ; Xiong, Hua
Nanchang Univ
关键词: Acrylamide;    Magnetic nanoparticles;    Graphene oxide;    Dummy surface molecular imprinting;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.10.101
【 摘 要 】
Novel nano-sized dummy-surface molecularly imprinted polymers (DSMIPs) on a magnetic graphene oxide (GO-Fe3O4) surface were developed as substrates, using propionamide as a dummy template molecule for the selective recognition and rapid pre-concentration and removal of acrylamide (AM) from food samples. These products showed rapid kinetics, high binding capacity (adsorption at 3.68 mg.g(-1)), and selectivity (imprinting factor a 2.83); the adsorption processes followed the Langmuir-Freundlich isotherm and pseudo-second-order kinetic models. Excellent recognition selectivity toward acrylamide was achieved compared to structural analogs, such as propionic and acrylic acids (selectivity factor beta 2.33, and 2.20, respectively). Moreover, DSMIPs-GO-Fe3O4 was used to quantify acrylamide in food samples, yielding satisfactory recovery (86.7-94.3%) and low relative standard deviation (< 4.85%). Thus, our DSMIPs-GO-Fe3O4-based procedure was demonstrated to be a convenient and practical method for the separation, enrichment, and removal of acrylamide from food samples. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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