Revista Cubana de Estomatología
Granulous cell bifocal tumor in the oral mucosa
Ferreti Bonan, Paulo Rogério1  Candeia Lyra, Tácio2  Nicolau Ferreira, Victor Yuri2  da Cruz Perez, Danyel Elias3  Lucena Pereira, Laudenice4 
[1]Centro de Ciências da Saúde-Campus I, João Pessoa, Brasil
[2]Universidade Federal da Paraîba, João Pessoa, Brasil
[3]Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Pernambuco, Brasil
[4]Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Água Fria, Brasil
关键词: granular cell tumor;    mouthmucosa;    diagnosis.;   
DOI  :  
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
The granulosa cell tumor constitutes a raredisease that predominates in the tongue and has a low rate of recurrence, simplyby surgical removal. The objective is to characterize a case of granulosa cellsbifocal tumor in the oral mucosa with some clinical and histopathologic featuresto this injury. A 60-year-old patient presented with two small nodules in thesmooth surface, consistency and slightly yellowish fibroelastic. These lesionswere removed by excisional biopsy. From the microscopic point of view, it wasdemonstrated that there was a neoplasia with granule cells in some areas andthe diagnosis was granular cell tumor. The definitive diagnosis of the lesionis obtained by histopathology, as the clinical appearance of the lesion is nonspecific,so it is very important to perform the excisional biopsy. The patient remainsunder follow-up for six months and shows no recurrence.
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