Aquaculture Environment Interactions
Size, settling velocity and density of small suspended particles at an active salmon aquaculture site
关键词: Aquaculture;    Flocs;    Particle size;    Size-versus-settling velocity;    Effective density;    Waste transport;   
DOI  :  10.3354/aei00116
来源: Inter-Research
【 摘 要 】

ABSTRACT: Scientific understanding of aquaculture interactions with the environment is limited, especially concerning the far-field transport and possible impacts of particulate wastes. A pilot study was carried out in southwest New Brunswick, Canada, in November 2008 to determine the size, settling velocity, and density of suspended particles at an active salmon aquaculture cage site. The model of Khelifa & Hill (2006) was fit to size-versus-settling velocity data to estimate the fractal dimension of flocs and the density of the component particles within flocs. Flocs had a larger fractal dimension and smaller component-particle density than in other studies, suggesting that particles from the aquaculture operation may be incorporated into suspended flocs with average settling velocities of 1 mm s

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