The Journal of Engineering
Accurate geometry scalable complementary metal oxide semiconductor modelling of low-power 90 nm amplifier circuits
A.B.M.H. Rashid1  Apratim Roy1 
[1] Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka- 1000, Bangladesh
关键词: low-power amplifier circuits;    radio frequency behaviour estimation;    symmetric distributed modelling;    gain prediction;    size 90 nm;    geometry scalable complementary metal oxide semiconductor modelling;    spiral symmetric inductor;    equivalent-circuit model equations;    RF parameters;    low-noise amplifier architectures;    active devices;    bulk RF transistor;    voltage 1.2 V;    reflection loss;    layout parasites;    physical structure;    active-passive components;    CMOS modelling;    channel-width-fingers;    polysilicon resistor;    MIM-PS width;    metal-insulator-metal capacitor;    LNA architectures;    dependent functions;   
DOI  :  10.1049/joe.2014.0002
来源: IET
【 摘 要 】

This paper proposes a technique to accurately estimate radio frequency behaviour of low-power 90 nm amplifier circuits with geometry scalable discrete complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) modelling. Rather than characterising individual elements, the scheme is able to predict gain, noise and reflection loss of low-noise amplifier (LNA) architectures made with bias, active and passive components. It reduces number of model parameters by formulating dependent functions in symmetric distributed modelling and shows that simple fitting factors can account for extraneous (interconnect) effects in LNA structure. Equivalent-circuit model equations based on physical structure and describing layout parasites are developed for major amplifier elements like metal–insulator–metal (MIM) capacitor, spiral symmetric inductor, polysilicon (PS) resistor and bulk RF transistor. The models are geometry scalable with respect to feature dimensions, i.e. MIM/PS width and length, outer-dimension/turns of planar inductor and channel-width/fingers of active device. Results obtained with the CMOS models are compared against measured literature data for two 1.2 V amplifier circuits where prediction accuracy for RF parameters (S 21, noise figure, S 11, S 22) lies within the range of 92–99%. .

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