ProEnvironment Promediu
Use of Agricultural Products and Waste in the Building Materials Industry
Claudiu Aciu1 
关键词: agricultural waste;    building materials;    thermal insulating materials;    concrete;    straw bales.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Bioflux SRL
【 摘 要 】

In the current context of industrialization, demographic explosion and accelerated development on all continents, the maintenance and improvement of life conditions require particular attention for ecology and environmental protection worldwide. This is why researches in all activity areas are currently focused on identifying strategies aimed at protecting natural resources that are running out, at reducing water, air and soil pollution, at using new renewable energy sources. The building sector, has a major environmental impact due to the resulting waste, occupation of land, air pollution and influence of biodiversity. The paper provides some examples of the way in which agricultural waste and natural products can be used in the building materials industry, with beneficial consequences for environmental protection and the preservation of natural resources. Thus, various thermal insulating materials derived from agricultural products and waste are presented, with their advantages compared to conventional thermal insulating materials. Another direction is the use of waste resulting from the processing of natural products or agricultural waste in concrete industry. The substitutes for aggregates used for the production of concrete contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution as well as to the protection of natural resources. On the other hand, rice hulls may partially replace Portland cement, whose production requires a great amount of energy. Another building material that has raised the interest of constructors is straw bales. The paper presents this building material considered from the point of view of the quality characteristics that straw should meet, the way in which bales are produced and the straw bale building systems.

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