International Journal of Physical Sciences
A theory of the relativistic fermionic spinrevorbital
Reginald B. Little1 
关键词: Electrons;    protons;    neutrons;    radical catalysts.;   
DOI  :  10.5897/IJPS2014.4164
来源: Academic Journals
【 摘 要 】
The Little Rules and Effect describe the cause of phenomena of physical and chemical transformations on the basis of spin antisymmetry and the consequent magnetism of the most fundamental elements of leptons and quarks and in particular electrons, protons and neutrons causing orbital motions and mutual revolutionary motions (spinrevorbital) to determine the structure and the dynamics of nucleons, nuclei, atoms, molecules, bulk structures and even stellar structures.By considering the Little Effect in multi-body, confined, pressured, dense, temperate, and physicochemically open systems, new mechanisms and processes will be discovered and explanations are given to the stability of multi-fermionic systems for continuum of unstable perturbatory states with settling to stable discontinuum states (in accord to the quantum approximation) to avoid chaos in ways that have not been known or understood.On the basis of the Little Effect, the higher order terms of the Hamiltonian provide Einstein’s missing link between quantum mechanics and relativity for a continuum of unstable states. Such continuum of unstable, hidden states determines fractional charges and fractured dipoles (orbitals) that strongly couple with limitations of larger space and shorter times for coupling quantum magnetism (spinrevorbitals) to macromagnetism and gravity (via phasal and group dispersions, respectively) and vice versa and for coupling orbital electricity (spintransorbitals) to macroelectricity and classical (and heat) mechanics (via phasal and group dispersions, respectively) and vice versa.
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