Research and Development in Medical Education
Evaluating the Meetings Output of Educational Council and Departments in School of Health Management and Information Sciences: Content Analysis of Minutes
Shahram, Sedghi1 
关键词: Content analysis;    Evaluation;    Minutes;    Meetings;    educational coucil;   
DOI  :  10.5681/rdme.2013.015
来源: Tabriz University of Medical Sciences * Education Development Center
【 摘 要 】

Introduction This study analyzes the minutes of departments and educational council in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, School of Health Management and Information Sciences and evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the departments meetings. Methods This was a descriptive study. The study population was all minutes of departments in School of Health Management and Information Sciences in TUMS in 2004-2010. Minutes were transformed into digital format with a scanner. We used NVivo 8 software to codify and analyze the data. Results Findings showed that in the meetings of both educational council and departments more attention was paid to the “thesis and proposal” and “educational issues”. Furthermore, each department had its own unique subjects which were not discussed in other departments. Conclusion The chancellor at this school, deputy of dean and head of departments can use findings of current study to know the weaknesses of departments meetings and plan for better organization of weekly and monthly meetings in order to achieve the school goals and serve students better.

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