Frontiers in Psychology
Editorial: The impact of learning to read on visual processing
Tânia Fern1 
关键词: the impact of learning to read on visual processing;    literacy acquisition;    reading development;    developmental dyslexia;    visual processing;    visual object recognition;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00985
来源: Frontiers
【 摘 要 】
In 1892, Déjerine published the first report of pure alexia (Déjerine, 1892). Monsieur C. became unable to read in the absence of any other cognitive disorder (even writing was preserved) after a lesion of the inferior occipitotemporal cortex, a neural region dedicated to visual recognition. Although reading is an intense visual ability, the relation between reading and visual processing has often been sell short. It was only ~100 years after the report of Monsieur C. that part of this occipitotemporal region was coined visual word-form area, VWFA (Warrington and Shallice, 1980; see also Cohen et al., 2000; Polk and Farah, 2002). Since then an emergent bulk of research has demonstrated that learning to read, not only leads to the emergence of a specialized neurocognitive circuitry, but also impacts on the evolutionary older and pre-existing neurocognitive system of visual (non-linguistic) object recognition. Many questions regarding the exact nature, locus, and consequences of this impact are in debate or still unanswered. This Research Topic was aimed at setting a landmark forum on which researchers present and discuss recent work, their proposals, and open novel questions. We have compiled nine excellent articles on the relation between visual processing and literacy acquisition, reading development, and developmental dyslexia. This research topic is organized into three parts.
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