Zhongxiyi Jiehe Huli (Zhong-Yingwen Ban)
关键词: 高血压;    住院;    生存质量;    心理因素;   
DOI  :  10.11997/nitcwm.201607010
来源: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press
【 摘 要 】
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the quality of life in inpatients with hypertension and to analysis the potential influence factors. Methods The general information of inpatients was collected and the quality of life was investigated by WHO quality of lifeBREF (WHOQOLBREF) questionnaire. Results The score of quality of life and health condition was (3.50±0.86) and (2.90±089) in 205 hypertension inpatients respectively. The score of physical, psychological, social relationship and environmental field in WHOQOLBREF was (15.19±2.86), (14.49±2.50), (14.71±4.72) and (14.35±2.49) respectively. Multiple regression analysis showed that the psychological score was the influencing factor of quality of life (P<0.01). The health condition was associated with age, body mass index (BMI), physical and psychological score (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The physical score of WHOQOLBREF was influenced by BMI(P<0.05). The psychological score was influenced by BMI, number of complications and alcohol consumption (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The social relationship and environmental field was influenced by age and BMI (P<0.01), respectively. Conclusion The overall quality of life in inpatients with hypertension is relatively sound. It is necessary for nurses to pay more attention on elderly patients and to enhance their physical and psychological health.
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