ETRI Journal
A Viterbi Decoder with Efficient Memory Management
关键词: VLSI;    memory management;    Viterbi decoder;   
Others  :  1185178
DOI  :  10.4218/etrij.04.0303.0009
【 摘 要 】

This paper proposes a new architecture for a Viterbidecoder with an efficient memory management scheme.The trace-back operation is eliminated in the architectureand the memory storing intermediate decision informationcan be removed. The elimination of the trace-backoperation also reduces the number of operation cyclesneeded to determine decision bits. The memory size of theproposed scheme is reduced to 1/(5×constraint length) ofthat of the register exchange scheme, and the throughput isincreased up to twice that of the trace-back scheme. AViterbi decoder complying with the IS-95 reverse linkspecification is designed to verify the proposed architecture.The decoder has a code rate of 1/3, a constraint length of 9,and a trace-forward depth of 45.

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【 参考文献 】
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