Journal of Biomedical Science
Involvement of gelsolin in TGF-beta 1 induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition in breast cancer cells
Ying-Ming Liou3  Kuan-Ying Chiu4  Dar-Bin Shieh1  Pei-Wen Wang2  Zhi-Yuan Chen4 
[1] Institute of Oral Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan;Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan;Rong Hsing Research Center for Translational Medicine, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung 40227, Taiwan;Department of Life Sciences, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung 40227, Taiwan
关键词: DNA methyltransferases;    Methylation specific PCR;    EMT;    TGF-β1;    GSN;   
Others  :  1232282
DOI  :  10.1186/s12929-015-0197-0
 received in 2015-07-03, accepted in 2015-09-29,  发布年份 2015
【 摘 要 】


Increasing evidence suggests that transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1) triggers epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and facilitates breast cancer stem cell differentiation. Gelsolin (GSN) is a ubiquitous actin filament-severing protein. However, the relationship between the expression level of GSN and the TGF-β signaling for EMT progression in breast cancer cells is not clear.


TGF-β1 acted on MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells by decreasing cell proliferation, changing cell morphology to a fibroblast-like shape, increasing expressions for CD44 and GSN, and increasing EMT expression and cell migration/invasion. Study with GSN overexpression (GSN op) in both MDA-MB231 and MCF-7 cells demonstrated that increased GSN expression resulted in alterations of cell proliferation and cell cycle progression, modification of the actin filament assembly associated with altering cell surface elasticity and cell detachment in these breast cancer cells. In addition, increased cell migration was found in GSN op MDA-MB231 cells. Studies with GSN op and silencing by small interfering RNA verified that GSN could modulate the expression of vimentin. Sorted by flow cytometry, TGF-β1 increased subpopulation of CD44+/CD22- cells increasing their expressions for GSN, Nanog, Sox2, Oct4, N-cadherin, and vimentin but decreasing the E-cadherin expression. Methylation specific PCR analysis revealed that TGF-β1 decreased 50 % methylation but increased 3-fold unmethylation on the GSN promoter in CD44+/CD22- cells. Two DNA methyltransferases, DNMT1and DNMT3B were also inhibited by TGF-β1.


TGF-β1 induced epigenetic modification of GSN could alter the EMT process in breast cancer cells.

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2015 Chen et al.

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