Posture influences patient cough rate, sedative requirement and comfort during bronchoscopy: An observational cohort study
Martin J Phillips1  Siobhain A Mulrennan1  Francesco Piccolo1  Ivan T Ling1 
[1]Department of Respiratory Medicine, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
关键词: hypoxia;    sedation;    cough;    posture;    bronchoscopy;   
Others  :  809304
DOI  :  10.1186/1745-9974-7-9
 received in 2011-07-27, accepted in 2011-11-10,  发布年份 2011
【 摘 要 】


To investigate differences between semi-recumbent and supine postures in terms of cough rate, oxygen desaturation, sedative use, and patient comfort during the initial phase of bronchoscopy.


Consecutive bronchoscopy patients (n = 69) participated in this observational cohort study. Posture was determined by the bronchoscopist's usual practice. Patient demographics, spirometry, pulse, and SpO2 were recorded. The initial phase was defined as the time from bronchoscopy insertion to visualisation of both distal main bronchi. Cough rate, peak pulse, nadir SpO2, oxygen supplementation, and sedative use during the initial phase were recorded. A post-procedure questionnaire was administered to the patient and the attending nurse.


36 patients had bronchoscopy in the semi-recumbent posture, 33 in the supine posture. 3 of 5 bronchoscopists performed in both postures. There were no differences in baseline parameters between the groups. The semi-recumbent posture resulted in significantly less cough (mean (SD) 3.6 (2.3) vs. 6.1 (4.5) coughs/min, p = 0.007) and less fentanyl use (70 (29) vs. 88 (28) mcg, p = 0.011) in the initial phase. There were no significant differences in the nadir SpO2, fall in SpO2, oxygen supplementation, or increase in pulse rate between the groups. On 100 mm visual analogue scale, nurse perception of patient discomfort was lower in the semi-recumbent position (23 (21) vs. 39 (28) mm, p = 0.01), and there was a trend towards less patient perceived cough in the semi-recumbent group (28 (25) vs. 40 (28) mm, p = 0.06).


Bronchoscopy performed in the semi-recumbent posture results in less cough and sedative requirement, and may improve patient comfort.

【 授权许可】

2011 Ling et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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