Exploring the measurement properties and effectiveness of a postural monitor and feedback device
Cury Ribeiro, Daniel ; Milosavljevic, Stephan ; Sole, Gisela ; Abbott, J. Haxby
University of Otago
关键词: posture;    feedback;    monitor;    LBP;    physiotherapy;    validity;    reliability;    ergonomics;    behaviour;    accelerometer;    biofeedback;   
Others  :  https://ourarchive.otago.ac.nz/bitstream/10523/3969/1/CuryRibeiroDaniel2013PhD.pdf
来源: Otago University Research Archive
【 摘 要 】
Frequent or sustained bending postures are considered to play a role on the development or maintenance of non-specific low back pain (NSLBP). The provision of postural feedback could help workers or patients with NSLBP to improve postural awareness and, consequently, to avoid hazardous or pain-provoking postures. The Spineangel® is an accelerometer and was developed to monitor posture and to provide an audio-feedback according to a pre-set postural threshold. The aims of this study were to: explore the measurement properties of the Spineangel®; and to assess the feasibility of a trial to investigate the effectiveness of the Spineangel®. One laboratory-based cross-sectional study was carried out to assess the within-task, within-session, and between-day reliability as well as the concurrent validity of the Spineangel® as a lumbo-pelvic posture monitoring device when clipped on the belt or waistband during a wide range of occupational activities. Another cross-sectional field study was carried-out to assess the within-day reliability of the Spineangel® as a postural monitoring device and to measure the cumulative lumbo-pelvic postural exposure in a group of health care workers. Findings from these studies results from these two cross-sectional studies suggest the Spineangel® is a reliable and valid device for monitoring gross lumbo-pelvic posture. The feasibility randomized controlled trial aimed to assess the feasibility of a trial to investigate the effectiveness of the Spineangel® as an EF device for modifying daily activity postures. A group of 62 workers from a health care institution were randomly allocated into one of the three groups: placebo group (CG), intermittent feedback group (IFG) and constant feedback group (CFG). Based on follow-up and adherence rates, findings from the feasibility randomized controlled trial suggest conducting a RCT with a similar method to the present study is not feasible, unless additional strategies to minimize the non-adherence to wear the Spineangel® at work are adopted. The provision of constant postural feedback seems promising for promoting changes in postural behaviour and future studies with an adequate sample size should be capable of identifying whether there are differences between constant EF and placebo.
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