International Journal for Equity in Health
Road to better health and integration: a Delphi study on health service models for Hong Kong migrants
Agnes MY Pau4  Cindy LK Lam4  Eleanor A Holroyd3  Jun Liang2  Petula SY Ho1  William CW Wong4 
[1] Department of Social Work and Administration, Faculty of Social Science, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong;Department of Family Medicine, Tuen Mun Hospital and Family Medicine Cluster Coordinator, Hospital Authority New Territories West Cluster, Hong Kong, Hong Kong;Asian and Gender Studies, RMIT University, Bundoora 3083, VIC, Australia;Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care, The University of Hong Kong, 3rd Fl., Ap Lei Chau Clinic, 161 Main Street, Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong
关键词: Delphi technique;    Migrants;    Health Policy;    Access to Health Care;    Healthcare delivery;   
Others  :  1139410
DOI  :  10.1186/s12939-014-0127-x
 received in 2014-08-19, accepted in 2014-12-09,  发布年份 2014
【 摘 要 】


In Hong Kong, migrants arriving from Mainland China often have multiple roles and responsibilities while adapting to new lives in their host destination. This paper explored the factors that contribute to the inequity in health services utilisation experienced by these migrants; and, identified the elements that could constitute an effective health delivery model to address the service gap.


Site visits and a focus group discussion (n = 13) were held with both public and private health providers before a number of innovative health delivery models were formulated. They were then circulated among the panel in two further rounds of Delphi survey (n = 11) from March-April 2012 to systematically collect opinions and select the most endorsed health service models to serve this target population.


Focus group members perceived that most migrants were unaware of, or even ignored, their own physical and mental health needs, and had low utilisation of healthcare services, because of their pre-occupation with daily chores and hardship as well as differing health values, practices and expectations. They further identified that the structural issues such as the healthcare setting or the operation of current service provisions had failed to meet migrants’ health needs. Consequently, four new service models that incorporated professional advice and empowerment, which were identified as the two most important elements, were put forward. Thus, the model of having a nurse with social work training, supported by volunteer groups, was selected as the best option to familiarise and empower patients within the labyrinth of local healthcare services.


Implementation of a social empowerment model by way of targeted support and specific health information is recommended. Further evaluation of this model is needed to understand its effectiveness for improving health literacy and health status in this disadvantaged group in the long term.

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2014 Wong et al.; licensee BioMed Central.

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