Hatfield Graduate Journal of Public Affairs
Equity and Access to Health Care in Rural Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
Jessica Currier1 
[1]Portland State University & Oregon Health Sciences University School of Public Health
关键词: Vietnam;    Quang Nam Province;    Public Health;    Health Policy;    Access to Health Care;    Health Equity;   
DOI  :  10.15760/hgjpa.2017-2.5
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper will addresses access to health care in rural Quang Nam Province in Vietnam. In doing so, it will examine the existing literature surrounding healthcare in Vietnam and compare it with the shortage of physicians in the study area and how that impacts who is able to receive care. The research presented in this paper synthesizes this analysis with interviews conducted by the author with policymakers and health care professionals in the study area. The paper concludes by offering policy recommendations that may rectify the healthcare issues that pervade the study area.
【 授权许可】


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