Implementation Science | |
Improving the care of people with traumatic brain injury through the Neurotrauma Evidence Translation (NET) program: protocol for a program of research | |
Russell L Gruen3  Jeffrey V Rosenfeld1  Veronica Pitt2  Marisa Chau2  Peter Bragge2  Emma J Tavender2  Denise A O’Connor4  Joanne E McKenzie4  Marije Bosch2  Sally E Green4  | |
[1] Department of Surgery, Monash University / Department of Neurosurgery, The Alfred Hospital / National Trauma Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia;Department of Surgery, Monash University / National Trauma Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia;Department of Trauma, The Alfred Hospital / Department of Surgery, Monash University / National Trauma Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia;School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia | |
关键词: Traumatic brain injury; Neurotrauma; Study protocol; Knowledge translation research; | |
Others : 828435 DOI : 10.1186/1748-5908-7-74 |
received in 2012-05-29, accepted in 2012-07-27, 发布年份 2012 | |
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【 摘 要 】
The Neurotrauma Evidence Translation (NET) program was funded in 2009 to increase the uptake of research evidence in the clinical care of patients who have sustained traumatic brain injury. This paper reports the rationale and plan for this five-year knowledge translation research program. The overarching aims of the program are threefold: to improve outcomes for people with traumatic brain injury; to create a network of neurotrauma clinicians and researchers with expertise in knowledge translation and evidence-based practice; and to contribute knowledge to the field of knowledge translation research. The program comprises a series of interlinked projects spanning varying clinical environments and disciplines relevant to neurotrauma, anchored within four themes representing core knowledge translation activities: reviewing research evidence; understanding practice; developing and testing interventions for practice change; and building capacity for knowledge translation in neurotrauma. The program uses a range of different methods and study designs, including: an evidence fellowship program; conduct of and training in systematic reviews; mixed method study designs to describe and understand factors that influence current practices (e.g., semi-structured interviews and surveys); theory-based methods to develop targeted interventions aiming to change practice; a cluster randomised trial to test the effectiveness of a targeted theory-informed intervention; stakeholder involvement activities; and knowledge translation events such as consensus conferences.
【 授权许可】
2012 Green et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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