BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
An experimental study investigating the effect of pain relief from oral analgesia on lumbar range of motion, velocity, acceleration and movement irregularity
Raymond Y Lee3  Inam Haq2  Jonathan M Williams1 
[1] Bournemouth University, School of Health and Social Care, Royal London House, Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 3LT, UK;Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Brighton, Mayfield House, Falmer BN1 9PH, UK;Department of Life Sciences, Roehampton University, Whitelands College, Hoybourne avenue, London SW15 4JD, UK
关键词: Biomechanics;    Inertial sensor;    Kinematics;    Lumbar;    Low back pain;    Pain relief;   
Others  :  1122112
DOI  :  10.1186/1471-2474-15-304
 received in 2014-05-23, accepted in 2014-09-11,  发布年份 2014
【 摘 要 】


Movement alterations are often reported in individuals with back pain. However the mechanisms behind these movement alterations are not well understood. A commonly cited mechanism is pain. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pain reduction, from oral analgesia, on lumbar kinematics in individuals with acute and chronic low back pain.


A prospective, cross-sectional, experimental repeated-measures design was used. Twenty acute and 20 chronic individuals with low back pain were recruited from General Practitioner and self-referrals to therapy departments for low back pain. Participants complained of movement evoked low back pain. Inertial sensors were attached to the sacrum and lumbar spine and used to measure kinematics. Kinematic variables measured were range of motion, angular velocity and angular acceleration as well as a determining movement irregularity (a measure of deviation from smooth motion). Kinematics were investigated before and after administration of oral analgesia to instigate pain reduction.


Pain was significantly reduced following oral analgesia. There were no significant effects on the kinematic variables before and after pain reduction from oral analgesia. There was no interaction between the variables group (acute and chronic) and time (pre and post pain reduction).


The results demonstrate that pain reduction did not alter lumbar range of motion, angular velocity, angular acceleration or movement irregularity questioning the role of pain in lumbar kinematics.

【 授权许可】

2014 Williams et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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