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Effect of the Mediterranean diet on blood pressure in the PREDIMED trial: results from a randomized controlled trial | |
Miguel Angel Martinez-Gonzalez1  José V Sorli7  Emilio Ros1  Valentina Ruiz-Gutiérrez1  Mònica Bulló3  Guillermo Saez1  Rosa M Lamuela-Raventós1  Xavier Pinto1  Luis Serra-Majem1  Jose Lapetra1  Miquel Fiol1  Enrique Gómez-Gracia1  Fernando Arós5  M Isabel Covas6  Jordi Salas-Salvadó3  Dolores Corella7  Pilar Buil-Cosiales1  Ramon Estruch4  Frank B Hu2  Estefania Toledo1  | |
[1] CIBER Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBER OBN), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Spanish Government, Madrid, Spain;Harvard Medical School and Channing Lab, Brigham Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA;Human Nutrition Department, IISPV, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Reus, Spain;Department of Internal Medicine, Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain;Department of Cardiology, University Hospital of Alava, Vitoria, Spain;Cardiovascular and Nutrition Research Group, Institut de Recerca Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain;Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain | |
关键词: Nuts; Olive oil; Dietary patterns; Monounsaturated fat; PREDIMED trial; Controlled trial; Diastolic blood pressure; Systolic blood pressure; Low-fat diet; Mediterranean diet; | |
Others : 855694 DOI : 10.1186/1741-7015-11-207 |
received in 2013-06-11, accepted in 2013-08-23, 发布年份 2013 | |
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【 摘 要 】
Hypertension can be prevented by adopting healthy dietary patterns. Our aim was to assess the 4-year effect on blood pressure (BP) control of a randomized feeding trial promoting the traditional Mediterranean dietary pattern.
The PREDIMED primary prevention trial is a randomized, single-blinded, controlled trial conducted in Spanish primary healthcare centers. We recruited 7,447 men (aged 55 to 80 years) and women (aged 60 to 80 years) who had high risk for cardiovascular disease. Participants were assigned to a control group or to one of two Mediterranean diets. The control group received education on following a low-fat diet, while the groups on Mediterranean diets received nutritional education and also free foods; either extra virgin olive oil, or nuts. Trained personnel measured participants’ BP at baseline and once yearly during a 4-year follow-up. We used generalized estimating equations to assess the differences between groups during the follow-up.
The percentage of participants with controlled BP increased in all three intervention groups (P-value for within-group changes: P<0.001). Participants allocated to either of the two Mediterranean diet groups had significantly lower diastolic BP than the participants in the control group (−1.53 mmHg (95% confidence interval (CI) −2.01 to −1.04) for the Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil, and −0.65 mmHg (95% CI -1.15 to −0.15) mmHg for the Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts). No between-group differences in changes of systolic BP were seen.
Both the traditional Mediterranean diet and a low-fat diet exerted beneficial effects on BP and could be part of advice to patients for controlling BP. However, we found lower values of diastolic BP in the two groups promoting the Mediterranean diet with extra virgin olive oil or with nuts than in the control group.
Trial registration
Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN35739639
【 授权许可】
2013 Toledo et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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