BMC Systems Biology
The last generation of bacterial growth in limiting nutrient
Uri Alon1  Daniel Koster1  Erez Dekel1  Yuval Hart1  Anat Bren1 
[1] Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
关键词: Nitrogen assimilation;    Nutrient limitation;    Gene expression;    Monod law;    Bacterial growth;   
Others  :  1142947
DOI  :  10.1186/1752-0509-7-27
 received in 2012-10-23, accepted in 2013-03-12,  发布年份 2013
【 摘 要 】


Bacterial growth as a function of nutrients has been studied for decades, but is still not fully understood. In particular, the growth laws under dynamically changing environments have been difficult to explore, because of the rapidly changing conditions. Here, we address this challenge by means of a robotic assay and measure bacterial growth rate, promoter activity and substrate level at high temporal resolution across the entire growth curve in batch culture. As a model system, we study E. coli growing under nitrogen or carbon limitation, and explore the dynamics in the last generation of growth where nutrient levels can drop rapidly.


We find that growth stops abruptly under limiting nitrogen or carbon, but slows gradually when nutrients are not limiting. By measuring growth rate at a 3 min time resolution, and inferring the instantaneous substrate level, s, we find that the reduction in growth rate μ under nutrient limitation follows Monod’s law, <a onClick=View MathML">. By following promoter activity of different genes we found that the abrupt stop of growth under nitrogen or carbon limitation is accompanied by a pulse-like up-regulation of the expression of genes in the relevant nutrient assimilation pathways. We further find that sharp stop of growth is conditional on the presence of regulatory proteins in the assimilation pathway.


The observed sharp stop of growth accompanied by a pulsed expression of assimilation genes allows bacteria to compensate for the drop in nutrients, suggesting a strategy used by the cells to prolong exponential growth under limiting substrate.

【 授权许可】

2013 Bren et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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