BMC Oral Health
Oral health status of patients with acute coronary syndrome – a case control study
Rainer F Mausberg1  Else Hornecker1  Hans-Joachim Helms2  Gerd Hasenfuß3  Andrea Priegnitz1  Dirk Ziebolz1 
[1] Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology, University Medical Centre Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany;Department of Medical Statistics, University Medical Centre Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany;Department of Cardiology and Pneumology, University Medical Centre Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany
关键词: Unstable angina pectoris;    Acute myocardial infarction;    Acute coronary syndrome;    Periodontitis;    Gingival inflammation;    Oral hygiene;    Oral health;   
Others  :  1126491
DOI  :  10.1186/1472-6831-12-17
 received in 2011-08-17, accepted in 2012-06-22,  发布年份 2012
【 摘 要 】


The aim of this investigation was to assess the state of oral health of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and to compare this with that of a provably healthy control group (H).


33 patients who were receiving treatment as inpatients following acute myocardial infarction or unstable angina pectoris took part in the study (ACS-group). A healthy control group (H-group) made up of blood donors, was formed following matching for age, gender, and smoking habit with the study patient group.

The dental investigation consisted of the dental status (DMF-T), a plaque-Index (PI), an assessment of gingival inflammation (GI) and periodontal situation (Periodontal Screening Index: PSR®/PSI), and attachment loss (AL). Statistical evaluation: t-test, Mann–Whitney-test and chi- squared test (level of significance p < 0.05).


The mean DMF-T of the ACS-group (18.7 ± 6.8) and the H-group (19.4 ± 5.1) showed no difference (p = 0.7). Although, in the ACS-group the average loss of teeth (M-T: 8.4 ± 5.2) was higher than in the H-group (M-T: 5.8 ± 6.6) the difference was not significant (p = 0.2). Whereas with the PI no difference between the two groups was found (p = 0.9), the ACS-group showed significantly more signs of inflammation (GI) than the H-group (p = 0.045). In the case of PSR®/PSI, there was no difference between the two groups (p = 0.7). With regard to AL, no difference was revealed between ACS- and H-group (p = 0.2).


Although, the state of oral health of the ACS-group differed only insignificantly from that of control, patients with ACS showed more signs of gingival inflammation and a higher loss of teeth.

【 授权许可】

2012 Ziebolz et al.;licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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