BMC Medical Research Methodology
Artificial neural networks versus proportional hazards Cox models to predict 45-year all-cause mortality in the Italian Rural Areas of the Seven Countries Study
Alessandro Menotti1  Paolo Emilio Puddu2 
[1] Associazione per la Ricerca Cardiologica, Rome, Italy;Laboratory of Biotechnologies Applied to Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Nephrological, Anesthesiological and Geriatrical Sciences, Sapienza, University of Rome, Viale del Policlinico, 155, Rome 00161, Italy
关键词: Seven countries study;    Epidemiology;    45-year follow-up;    All-cause mortality;    Prediction;    Cox models;    Neural networks;   
Others  :  1136526
DOI  :  10.1186/1471-2288-12-100
 received in 2011-10-19, accepted in 2012-06-23,  发布年份 2012
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2012 Puddu and Menotti; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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