Archives of Public Health
School based interventions versus family based interventions in the treatment of childhood obesity- a systematic review
Saravana Kumar Kothandan1 
[1] Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, Dulwich Hospital, London, England
关键词: Treatment;    Frameworks;    School intervention;    Family intervention;    Obesity;    Children;   
Others  :  1070617
DOI  :  10.1186/2049-3258-72-3
 received in 2013-07-14, accepted in 2013-11-25,  发布年份 2014
【 摘 要 】


The prevalence of childhood obesity, which has seen a rapid increase over the last decade, is now considered a major public health problem. Current treatment options are based on the two important frameworks of school- and family-based interventions; however, most research has yet to compare the two frameworks in the treatment of childhood obesity.

The objective of this review is to compare the effectiveness of school-based intervention with family-based intervention in the treatment of childhood obesity.


Databases such as Medline, Pub med, CINAHL, and Science Direct were used to execute the search for primary research papers according to inclusion criteria. The review included a randomised controlled trial and quasi-randomised controlled trials based on family- and school-based intervention frameworks on the treatment of childhood obesity.


The review identified 1231 articles of which 13 met the criteria. Out of the thirteen studies, eight were family-based interventions (n = 8) and five were school-based interventions (n = 5) with total participants (n = 2067). The participants were aged between 6 and 17 with the study duration ranging between one month and three years. Family-based interventions demonstrated effectiveness for children under the age of twelve and school-based intervention was most effective for those aged between 12 and 17 with differences for both long-term and short-term results.


The evidence shows that family- and school-based interventions have a considerable effect on treating childhood obesity. However, the effectiveness of the interventional frameworks depends on factors such as age, short- or long-term outcome, and methodological quality of the trials. Further research studies are required to determine the effectiveness of family- and school-based interventions using primary outcomes such as weight, BMI, percentage overweight and waist circumference in addition to the aforementioned factors.

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2014 Kothandan; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

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