7th International Symposium Actual Problems of Computational Simulation in Civil Engineering
Light-gauge frame construction: numerical analysis and research
Kornilov, T.^1 ; Kychkin, I.^1 ; Nazarov, T.^1 ; Nikiforov, A.^1
Engineering Technical Institute, North-Eastern Federal University Named after M. K. Ammosov, Belinskiy St. 57, Yakutsk
677000, Russia^1
关键词: Bolted connections;    Calculation results;    Frame construction;    Intermediate element;    Overall stabilities;    Regulatory requirements;    Tangential stress;    Thin-walled profiles;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/456/1/012020/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/456/1/012020
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The paper considers the frame construction behaviour numerical analysis of 18 meters bay from steel thin-walled profiles on the calculation results basis of a finite-element frame model made in ANSYS. Rated, equivalent, and tangential stresses values of frame construction on various parts were received during the work. The high efficiency of the wall stiffness intermediate element and section stiffness boundary elements can significantly increase the local resistance elements of thin-walled profile. The possibility of elements strain under the action of the design load is revealed as a calculation result of the finite-element model and taking into account bolted connections in a frame construction joints. The paper contains frame construction overall stability analysis at the decisions of bracing system. The frame construction field tests of 18 m bay from steel thin-walled profiles as a part of three frames block are carried out. As a result, the frame overall stability at the accepted bracing system and local stability of steel thin-walled profiles is provided; the rigidity of a design meets the regulatory requirements.

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