20th International Scientific and Research Conference "Metallurgy: Technologies, Innovation, Quality. Metallurgy-2017"
Receiving of layered composite materials with shape memory effect of medical appointment
Nasakina, E.O.^1 ; Baikin, A.S.^1 ; Konushkin, S.V.^1 ; Sergiyenko, K.V.^1 ; Kaplan, M.A.^1 ; Fedyuk, I.M.^1 ; Sevost'Yanov, M.A.^1 ; Kolmakov, A.G.^1
Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Sciences, 49 Leninsky ave, Moscow
119991, Russia^1
关键词: High-adhesion;    Nanostructural;    Surface layers;    Titanium surfaces;    Transitional layers;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/411/1/012051/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/411/1/012051
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Tantalum and titanium surface layers were created on nanostructural TiNi substrates when the conditions of magnetron sputtering are varied. The state of the TiNi surface after various treatments has been studied. Structure and composition of samples were defined by SEM, AES. With increase in time and output of sputtering and decrease in deposition distance surface layer thickness not linearly increases. The transitional layer provide high adhesion of a surface layer to a substrate.
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