2018 International Conference on Advanced Materials, Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation
Effect of Air-jet Assisted Little Quantity Lubrication on Surface Roughness of Aluminium Alloy 7050-T7451 in Milling Process
Zhong, Weiwu^1
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shandong Yingcai University, Jinan
250104, China^1
关键词: Application cost;    Cooling abilities;    Cooling effects;    Lubrication effect;    Lubrication system;    Milling process;    Process condition;    Threshold-value;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/382/2/022075/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/382/2/022075
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

In order to solve the problems of cooling effect, lubrication effect and application cost in the existing green cutting technology, the method of air-jet assisted little quantity lubrication is put forward. Milling experiment of aluminium alloy 7050-T7451 is performed on the platform of established air-jet assisted little quantity lubrication system. The results show that: (1) air-jet assisted little quantity lubrication has a good cooling and lubrication effect, which can significantly reduce the surface roughness; (2) under the same other process conditions, the lubrication and cooling ability increased with the increase of cutting fluid flow rate, which results in the decrease of surface roughness; (3)when the flow rate of the cutting fluid reaches a certain threshold value, the effect of air-jet assisted little quantity lubrication on surface roughness is very close to that of wet cutting, and it has little effect on surface roughness by increasing cutting fluid flow rate.

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