21st International Scientific Conference on Advanced in Civil Engineering "Construction - The Formation of Living Environment"
Technical aspects of using composite materials for strengthening constructions
Kuzina, Ekaterina^1 ; Cherkas, Alina^1 ; Rimshin, Vladimir^1
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Yaroslavskoe shosse 26, Moscow
129337, Russia^1
关键词: Building construction;    Comparative analysis;    Environmental friendliness;    High strength composite materials;    Innovative solutions;    Materials production;    Reinforcing elements;    Secondary Raw Materials;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/365/3/032053/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/365/3/032053
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The construction industry has experienced the hugest number of changes during all century's history. Today in construction there is a huge set of scientific completions and innovative solutions that many times increase quality of works and process reliability of construction in general. This publication is devoted to an innovative element for strengthening building constructions and elements - to high-strength composite materials. Due to inevitable exhaustion of natural resources and increase in energy cost in the world the process of composite materials production in industrial is becoming more relevant, important and popular, such as fibreglass, basaltplastic, carbonoplastic. These composite materials possess sufficient characteristics on reliability, durability, profitability and that is the most important - environmental friendliness in comparison with the metal reinforcing elements. It is important that source replenishment of raw materials in modern production is possible due to processing of secondary raw materials and technogenic waste. Experience of using composite materials during strengthening building constructions, the comparative analysis from the point of ecology production and using materials, advantages of composite materials is reflected in this publication. The purpose of this publication is to show validity of using composite materials for strengthening building constructions from the point of view of reliability, profitability and also environmental friendliness in comparison with other reinforcing elements.

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