21st International Scientific Conference on Advanced in Civil Engineering "Construction - The Formation of Living Environment"
Calculation air regime of a residential building with individual exhaust channels
Agakhanova, Kaminat^1
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow
129337, Russia^1
关键词: Aerodynamic resistance;    Balance equations;    Calculation programs;    Electronic computing;    Natural ventilation;    Residential building;    Resistance characteristics;    Ventilation systems;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/365/2/022036/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/365/2/022036
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Purpose. This article deals with the algorithm of the air renewal calculation of the building on the example of a residential building in order to determine correspondence of the incoming and removed air quantity to the characteristics of the current standards. The algorithm of calculation allows to determine the air consumption and direction of flow that are filtrated through the hole in the enclosing structures and removed by local vent systems natural ventilation. Method. This calculation can be performed on the electronic computing machine (computer) using one of the programming languages. Result. The calculation program will consist of two units: the unit of pre-calculations, and unit of iterations. The unit of preliminary calculations deals with the boundary conditions and the calculation of the resistance characteristics of air-penetrating building elements (windows, doors) and the characteristics of aerodynamic resistance of sections of the ventilation system. The iterative unit deals with the determination of internal pressure in rooms and air consumption, filtered through the air-penetrating holes and removed by local vent systems. The solution of the air renewal of a building is the description of its balance equations for each apartment, an elevator hall and a corridor. In this example we see a separate local vent from each ventilating grid that does not provide for a recalculation of characteristics of aerodynamic resistance of sections of ventilation systems depending on the change of the air consumption in them. Conclusion. The results of the calculation of the air renewal may show whether the air consumption (the incoming and removed air quantity) corresponds to the characteristics of the current standards. The resulting pattern of air renewal of the building will allow to determine whether there are some deficiencies in the ventilation system.
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