TALENTA - Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology 2017
Production facility layout by comparing moment displacement using BLOCPLAN and ALDEP Algorithms
Tambunan, M.^1 ; Ginting, E.^1 ; Sari, R.M.^1
Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia^1
关键词: Cooking systems;    Floor layout;    Layout designs;    Material Flow;    Material flow pattern;    Production facility;    Production floor;    Production process;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/309/1/012032/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/309/1/012032
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Production floor layout settings include the organizing of machinery, materials, and all the equipments used in the production process in the available area. PT. XYZ is a company that manufactures rubber and rubber compounds for retreading tire threaded with hot and cold cooking system. In the production of PT. XYZ is divided into three interrelated parts, namely Masterbatch Department, Department Compound, and Procured Thread Line Department. PT. XYZ has a production process with material flow is irregular and the arrangement of machine is complicated and need to be redesigned. The purpose of this study is comparing movement displacement using BLOCPLAN and ALDEP algorithm in order to redesign existing layout. Redesigning the layout of the production floor is done by applying algorithms of BLOCPLAN and ALDEP. The algorithm used to find the best layout design by comparing the moment displacement and the flow pattern. Moment displacement on the floor layout of the company's production currently amounts to 2,090,578.5 meters per year and material flow pattern is irregular. Based on the calculation, the moment displacement for the BLOCPLAN is 1,551,344.82 meter per year and ALDEP is 1,600,179 meter per year. Flow Material resulted is in the form of straight the line.
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