5th Annual International Conference on Material Science and Environmental Engineering
Dynamics of the State of Macrobenthos in the Gulf of Tub-Karagan
Kenzhegaliev, A.^1 ; Abilgazieva, A.^1 ; Shahmanova, A.^1 ; Kulbatyrov, D.^1 ; Saginayev, A.^1
Atyrau Oil and Gas University, Atyrau, Kazakhstan^1
关键词: Brackish water;    Caspian sea;    Dominant species;    Four-group;    Gulf of Tube-Karagan;    Macro benthos;    Macrozoobenthos;    Species composition;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/301/1/012116/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/301/1/012116
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The paper shows the results of studies conducted in the area of the Tub-Karagan Bay for the 2015 seasons. In the winter, 22 taxa of macrozoobenthos were presented at the Tub- Karagan Bay. They were dominated by a group of worms that met at all stations. In spring, in the area of Tyubkaragan Bay, the dominant species and abundance were representatives of crustaceans. During the summer, makrozoobentose insects are marked on the Tubkaragansky Bay (18 species/m2). In the fall, the species composition of macrobenthos was represented by 28 taxa if the previous 3 seasons had four groups, the fall in the number of major groups was five: Worms, shellfish, crustaceans, insects and others represented in the main class of Gidrozoi. A group of insects occurs pointwise. Most of this group was marked on the section Tyubkaragansky Bay as before, this brackish-water species Chironomusalbidus, a permanent inhabitant of the bottom biocenose in this region of the sea.
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