International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering2017
Colour Light And Wellbeing: A Case Study Of M Mall 020 George Town, Penang Island
Zakaria, Safial Aqbar^1 ; Rou, Ng Yii^1 ; En, Hoi Zhi^1 ; Iyian, Tai^1
Interior Design Department, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Minden, Malaysia^1
关键词: Architectural element;    Art and science;    Case-studies;    Interior space;    Lighting designs;    Visual data;    Wellbeing;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/291/1/012005/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/291/1/012005
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Contrary to popular belief, the brightest light or the most colourful light makes good lighting design. However, what makes a good lighting design in interior space is an impeccable composite of art and science. With the application of good lighting design, it can produce an impressive result from enhancing the aesthetic of architectural elements to conveying the right type of ambiance of the interiors. This research intends to address the crucial issues regarding the ways in which lighting designers can communicate the benefits of good lighting and to create a better awareness to users. The objectives of this paper are to outline and explore the features of good and poor lighting design in M Mall O2O based on the lighting design language and profession. The results of this research are mainly qualitative in nature, supported by the professional lighting designers on the definitions of good lighting, personal observation and visual data which were taken in George Town, Penang Island. The case studies on good and poor lighting portrayed in this mall were used as examples to scrutinize the issues raised herein. To achieve the optimum lighting design, a joint approach of focusing on the artistic flair brought forth by lighting and more scientific effort on the calculation levels of lights is crucial. Different functionality requires a different amount of attention on either approach. In conclusion, a good lighting design must be able to enhance the atmosphere and also enrich the quality of the interior architecture. Apart from that, a good lighting design should have good distribution of brightness levels, contrast and different colour temperatures to enhance characters of the interior spaces without neglecting the health and wellbeing aspects.

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