International Pharmacy Conference UAD 2017 on Product Authentication: Key Factor in Quality Control of Pharmaceutical Products
Relationship between perception with the quality of life of T2DM patients in Dok II Jayapura Hospital
Perwitasari, D.A.^1 ; Faridah, I.N.^1 ; Kulle, Y.^2 ; Yulistika, M.^1
Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia^1
Dok II Jayapura Hospital, Indonesia^2
关键词: Diabetes mellitus;    Emotional response;    Multiple linear regressions;    Observational research;    Quality of life;    Research instruments;    Univariate analysis;    Visual analog scale;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/259/1/012004/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/259/1/012004
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Diabetes mellitus disease is one of the chronic diseases which can cause a fatal risk if its management is not appropriate. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between perception and quality of life in Dok II Jayapura hospital. This study used an observational research design with cross sectional approach with prospective sampling in diabetic patients in internal disease policemen who were underwent outpatient treatment at Dok II Jayapura hospital. Research instruments used EQ-5D (European Quality-5 Dimension) and B-IPQ (Brief Illness Perception Quetionare). Data analysis used was univariate analysis by using percentage or mean value, bivariate using T-test or Mann-Whitney test, and multivariate using multiple linear regression. There were 80 T2DM patients who met the inclusion criteria. Based on patient demographic data, there were 29 people (36.6%) male patients and 51 people (63.8%) female patients, with mean age of patient (55.79±10.52) year. Perception has correlation with quality of life influenced by index value on treatment control (6.73±1.475) and emotional response (3.11±2.199) and by visual analog scale on understanding (5.99±1.587), duration (6.50±2.968), and personal controls (6.20±1.641). Based on the results obtained to improve the quality of life of T2DM patients that is on the index value on the control of treatment and emotional response and on visual analog scale on the understanding, duration and personal control should be changed so that the quality of life of patients increases. The family history, social status and type of treatment factors also affect the quality of life.

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