17th World Textile Conference AUTEX 2017 - Shaping the Future of Textiles
Study the relation between the yarn pulling force and the bursting strength of single jersey knitted fabric
El-Tarfawy, S.Y.^1
Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering, Textile Department, Egypt^1
关键词: Bursting strengths;    Dimensional properties;    Experimental methods;    Knitted fabric;    Load cells;    Pulling force;    Single jerseys;    Tensile testers;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/254/14/142007/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/254/14/142007
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
There are various methods to evaluate knitted fabric's properties; the yarn pulling force is a suitable experimental method to investigate the properties of single jersey knitted fabric.In this study, a frame is attached to the electronic tensile strength tester to fix different single jersey knitted fabrics with different dimensional properties. A hook is connected to the upper load cell in the tensile tester to ravel the first upper course then records the values of the yarn pulling force. In addition to that, the effect of the loop length, yarn count, and raw material on yarn pulling force and specific fabric bursting strength are studied. It is concluded that yarn pulling force has a significant relation with specific fabric bursting strength.
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