17th World Textile Conference AUTEX 2017 - Shaping the Future of Textiles
Towards reinforcement solutions for urban fibre/fabric waste using bio-based biodegradable resins.
Agrawal, Pramod^1 ; Hermes, Alina^1 ; Bapeer, Solaf^1 ; Luiken, Anton^2 ; Bouwhuis, Gerrit^1 ; Brinks, Ger^1
Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Research Group Smart Functional Materials, Research Centre Design and Technology, Building Epy Drost, van Galenstraat 19, Enschede
7511 JL, Netherlands^1
Alcon Advies B.V., De Aa 31, Wierden
7642 HA, Netherlands^2
关键词: Biodegradable resins;    Circular economy;    Composite samples;    Layer composites;    Physio-chemical;    Research questions;    Value chains;    Woven fabrics;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/254/19/192001/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/254/19/192001
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The main research question is how to systematically define and characterize urban textile waste and how to effectively utilise it to produce reinforcement(s) with selected bio-based biodegradable resin(s). Several composite samples have been produced utilising predominantly natural and predominantly synthetic fibres by combining loose fibres with PLA, nonwoven fabric with PLA, woven fabric with PLA, two-layer composite & four-layer composite samples. Physio-chemical characterisations according to the established standards have been conducted. The present work is a step toward the circular economy and closing the loop in textile value chain.

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