13th International Conference on Tribology
Wear resistance of WC/Co HVOF-coatings and galvanic Cr coatings modified by diamond nanoparticles
Kandeva, M.^1 ; Grozdanova, T.^2 ; Karastoyanov, D.^3 ; Assenova, E.^4
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria^1
Space Research and Technologies Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria^2
Institute for Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria^3
Society of Bulgarian Tribologists, Sofia, Bulgaria^4
关键词: Comparative studies;    Diamond nano-particles;    Extreme conditions;    Friction coefficients;    Friction conditions;    Shock and vibration;    Technological regime;    Tribological characteristics;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/174/1/012060/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/174/1/012060
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The efforts in the recent 20 years are related to search of ecological solutions in the tribotechnologies for the replacement of galvanic Cr coatings in the contact systems operating under extreme conditions: abrasion, erosion, cavitation, corrosion, shock and vibration loads. One of the solutions is in the composite coatings deposited by high velocity gas-flame process (HVOF). The present paper presents comparative study results for mechanical and tribological characteristics of galvanic Cr coatings without nanoparticles, galvanic Cr coatings modified by diamond nanoparticles NDDS of various concentration 0.6; 10; 15 H 20% obtained under three technological regimes, and composite WC-12Co coating. Comparative results about hardness, wear, wear resistance and friction coefficient are obtained for galvanic Cr-NDDS and WC-12Co coatings operating at equal friction conditions of dry friction on abrasive surface. The WC-12Co coating shows 5.4 to 7 times higher wear resistance compared to the galvanic Cr-NDDS coatings.

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