11th Joint Conference on Chemistry in Conjunction with the 4th Regional Biomaterials Scientific Meeting
Preparation Of KF-Modified Kaolinite As Green And Reusable Catalyst For Microwave Assisted Biodiesel Conversion
Fatimah, I.^1 ; Andiena, R.Z.^1 ; Yudha, S.P.^1
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia^1
关键词: BET surface area;    Catalyst reusability;    Conventional methods;    Heterogeneous catalyst;    Microwave assisted;    Naturally occurring;    Reusable catalysts;    Solid-solid reaction;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/172/1/012026/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/172/1/012026
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Preparation of KF-modified kaolinite catalyst for microwave-assisted biodiesel conversion has been investigated. Kaolinite modification was conducted by solid-solid reaction between naturally occurring kaolinite mineral and KF salt followed by heating at 200oC for 2h. Prepared catalyst was characterized by using XRD, BET surface area analyzer, and SEM-EDX analysis and for catalytic activity tests, biodiesel conversion of jatropha oil was simulated. The comparison between microwave utilization and conventional method of biodiesel conversion were studied, moreover study on the catalyst reusability was performed. The results show that prepared catalyst gives the better physicochemical character of kaolinite as heterogeneous catalysts application as shown by the higher conversion and also reusability. Furthermore, the use of microwave irradiation exhibits the more time effectiveness. In general, the greener biodiesel conversion using presented methods is promising technique to be developed.

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