Scientific Conference on Automotive Vehicles and Combustion Engines 2016
Analysis of the CO2, NOx emission and fuel consumption from a heavy-duty vehicle designed for carriage of timber
Fuc, P.^1 ; Lijewski, P.^1 ; Ziolkowski, A.^1
Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Combustion Engines and Transport, Piotrowo str. 3, Poznan
60-965, Poland^1
关键词: Asphalt roads;    Emission measurement systems;    Exhaust emission;    Heavy duty vehicles;    Loading process;    Measurements of;    Operating condition;    Paper analysis;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/148/1/012065/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/148/1/012065
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The paper presents the results of measurements of the CO2and NOxemission and fuel consumption recorded under actual operating conditions of a heavy-duty vehicle designed for loading and carriage of timber. The tests were performed on a specially designed test route that reflected the arrival of the vehicle to the felling site in the forest, the loading process and return to the lumberyard. The route ran through paved (asphalt) and unpaved (forest) portions. Its total length was 8.6 km. An advanced PEMS (Portable Emission Measurement System) device was used for the measurement of the exhaust emissions - SEMTECH DS by Sensors Inc. The paper analyses the CO2and NOxemission and fuel consumption on all portions of the test route and presents a comparison between the forest and asphalt roads.

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