Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering 2015
Extended precision data types for the development of the original computer aided engineering applications
Pescaru, A.^1 ; Oanta, E.^2 ; Axinte, T.^2 ; Dascalescu, A.-D.^3
Constanta Maritime University, Faculty of Navigation and Naval Transport, 104 Mircea cel Batran Street, Constanta
900663, Romania^1
Constanta Maritime University, Faculty of Naval Electro-Mechanics, 104 Mircea cel Batran Street, Constanta
900663, Romania^2
Politehnica' University of Bucharest, Faculty of Power Engineering, 313 Splaiul Independentei, Sector 6, Bucharest
060042, Romania^3
关键词: Automatically generated;    Cross platform applications;    Dynamic memory allocation;    Element stiffness matrix;    Equivalent nodal forces;    Geometrical informations;    Graphical applications;    Software applications;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/95/1/012125/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/95/1/012125
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Computer aided engineering is based on models of the phenomena which are expressed as algorithms. The implementations of the algorithms are usually software applications which are processing a large volume of numerical data, regardless the size of the input data. In this way, the finite element method applications used to have an input data generator which was creating the entire volume of geometrical data, starting from the initial geometrical information and the parameters stored in the input data file. Moreover, there were several data processing stages, such as: renumbering of the nodes meant to minimize the size of the band length of the system of equations to be solved, computation of the equivalent nodal forces, computation of the element stiffness matrix, assemblation of system of equations, solving the system of equations, computation of the secondary variables. The modern software application use pre-processing and post-processing programs to easily handle the information. Beside this example, CAE applications use various stages of complex computation, being very interesting the accuracy of the final results. Along time, the development of CAE applications was a constant concern of the authors and the accuracy of the results was a very important target. The paper presents the various computing techniques which were imagined and implemented in the resulting applications: finite element method programs, finite difference element method programs, applied general numerical methods applications, data generators, graphical applications, experimental data reduction programs. In this context, the use of the extended precision data types was one of the solutions, the limitations being imposed by the size of the memory which may be allocated. To avoid the memory-related problems the data was stored in files. To minimize the execution time, part of the file was accessed using the dynamic memory allocation facilities. One of the most important consequences of the paper is the design of a library which includes the optimized solutions previously tested, that may be used for the easily development of original CAE cross-platform applications. Last but not least, beside the generality of the data type solutions, there is targeted the development of a software library which may be used for the easily development of node-based CAE applications, each node having several known or unknown parameters, the system of equations being automatically generated and solved..

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